Sunday 23 September 2012

New tattoo

The tasks are moving slowly, but another one has been achieved.  A tattoo on the right arm of Sisyphus.  It was inspired by my recent research into existentialism, particularly Albert Camus' The Myth of Sisyphus.  As someone who does not have a faith, philosophy and particularly existentialism has helped my find direction and meaning in my life.

Monday 4 June 2012

Task 8 - Ear Piercing

Finally got round to getting this done.  The list is moving rather slowly, partly due to monitary constraints.  Must concentrate on achieving more of the inexpensive options in the next year.

Friday 16 March 2012

Way out West

As I recover from my operation I am focusing on the less adventurous tasks on my list.  Today I completed another film on the 100 greatest films.  Way out West is heralded as one of Laurel and Hardy's best films.  It did feel dated but there are still some funny parts in it and it was a joy to watch.

Monday 27 February 2012

2001 - A Bizarre odyssey

I've been working through the list of the100 greatest films.  Today I watch 2001:A Space Odyssey, which has to be one of the bizarrest films I have seen in a while.

I remember trying to watch it as a child and giving up, watching it now I understand why.  It's over 2 hours long, with little dialogue, but it is a beautifully shot film.  More than any other film I have seen it portrays the emptiness of space and the claustrophobia of space travel.

It is easy to understand why it appealed to the hippies and counter-culture of the sixties.  There is a section towards the end of the film which is around 10 minutes visuals and colours, which is indeed very trippy, or as the film was re-branded "The Ultimate Trip".

It is a film which will need to be watched several times, as there are numerous interpretations of the meaning, particularly the significance of the black monolith.

Sunday 5 February 2012

Citizen Kane

A cold afternoon surrounded by snow was the perfect opportunity to sit back and watch Citizen Kane for the first time.  I can't say I was bowled over by it, and IMHO it does not deserved the high praise awarded to it by film critics.

I would give the film a 7, and may watch it again in a few years time but I wouldn't put it in my top 50 films.  I did mean I finally got a lot of the references made in the Simpsons episode Rosebud.

Tuesday 17 January 2012

Started listening to 100 greatest albums

Task 36 was to listen to all 100 of Channel 4's 100 Greatest Albums.  Thankfully with Napster this is quite an inexpensive task as most are available to stream with the exception of the Beatles.  I already own the first 3 so my first one to try was Michael Jackson's Thriller.  IMHO it is highly over-rated, it would give it 3 stars.

Thursday 12 January 2012

2nd change of task

Beginning to realise that the weight loss task is probably not achievable considering my lack of will power.  I've changed it to getting an ear piercing.

Tuesday 3 January 2012

First task achieved

With just over 2 years to go I have achieved my first task, I am now renting a place of my own.  I think one of my next tasks to seek out will be the horse riding.